The Financial Industries Only Performance Based Publication on global markets which include futures and stock indicies. We are never compensated in a manner that approaches the value we bring to the investment performance of our clientele."

Category: “The Weekly Wizard”

The Wizard’s Weekly Financial Reviews and Predictive Commentary.

Greetings, Despite the incredibly difficult times this pandemic has caused every corner of commerce, The Futures Wizard has been able to consistently provide our members with profitable trade predictions.  Make no mistake this has been a learning experience for all of us yet unfortunately so many services and financial institutions have been permanently displaced due […]

Greetings fellow traders and financial enthusiasts, We hope this journal reaches you in good health and spirits. While being cautiously optimistic we have seen some dynamic changes in the markets that are sending a positive signal.  Could this be a herald of an end to the unparalleled aberrations we have seen?  The short answer to […]

Greetings, We hope this message finds you in good health and spirits! The markets are behaving in manner that we have not seen the likes of since 9/11.  Due to the current crisis there is no doubt that our trading predictions have slowed down. The global social impact this epidemic is causing has created an environment […]

Greetings, Despite these trying times, I hope this journal finds you all in good health and spirits. There is little doubt that the recent pandemic has caused a warranted social reaction.  Whenever there is mass hysteria governments, institutions, as well as individuals look for stability.  This is a natural reaction that is innate in human […]

Greetings,  It seems like everywhere you look these days there is another absurd claim being made about the profitability of Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies.  From mining to increasing your bitcoin wallet 10 times a day GUARANTEED!  First off lets start with simple math.  If $1 were to be doubled every day for a mere two months […]

Greetings trading enthusiasts! The value of bitcoins goes up, and then it comes back down. The press is all over the story. Pundits and market watchers all have their opinion and voice it loudly across the airwaves and the Internet. Unfortunately, like most commentary their views and analysis are worthless. In general bitcoin IS A […]

Greeting fellow traders and market enthusiasts! Today’s post relates to a recurring theme that I have seen throughout my experience with trading in leveraged markets.  Throughout the years so many things have changed but the paramount and important aspects of successful trading have not changed at all.  I have witnessed countless enticements to minimize risk while […]

Greetings, I would like to take a moment to simply state that Lamp of Aladdin cannot be taught to you in any course or instructional service you may find online.   You must be involved in the game in order to become a pro.  The Futures Wizard is far more than a pro.  This took years […]

Greetings,  Many times you hear analysts and financial services of varying forms talk about “beating the market.” This concept, which has become a common nomenclature in investing jargon, is a dangerous and grossly detrimental philosophy to have ingrained in the minds of investors or investment services.  The goal is not to beat the market but […]

BEWARE of anything RISK FREE! Whenever you hear “risk free trading” what you are hearing is similar to stating that a game of Monopoly is risk fee.  In other words, the speaker is claiming trading is risk free because it is based on a fictitious- non real- world of trading.  There are so many differences […]