I would like to take a moment to simply state that Lamp of Aladdin cannot be taught to you in any course or instructional service you may find online. You must be involved in the game in order to become a pro. The Futures Wizard is far more than a pro. This took years of effort and research as well as actual in the market trading to obtain.
In other words talent, keen insight, as well as experience all had to come together in order for The Wizard to obtain that status. What can appear to be extremely complex can also be brought back down to basic rudimentary components. When you first learned to ride a bicycle how did that happen? To any great trader the ability to succeed becomes second nature much like that of riding a bike.
Nothing can prepare you for the real thing. This of course does not mean that you should dive in head first without any knowledge to eventually learn from your random mistakes either. THIS IS WHERE THE WIZARD COMES IN!
While it is true that some trades carry a higher degree of risk than others, even in leveraged markets, you will never achieve the type of results you aspire to obtain without being able to determine market movements.
Capital resources, risk aversion, and yes even goals can come become an important element of the equation. Therefore, a general education on investments and finance in general is certainly advisable and is available through our service with the blogs and videos that will be available to you.
Being offered the path to riches in complex leveraged markets is simply and factually impracticable… it is not going to happen that easily my friends. At The Wizard, you get the best of both worlds. Here you can earn while you learn. If you have an interest in these markets that interest stems from the possibilities these markets provide. Learn how you would like to take advantage of opportunities but leave the opportunities themselves to us. In the end it is not so much what you learn but rather what you earn that counts and TIME IS THE MOST PRECIOUS CURRENCY OF ALL!
Be well and I hope you have the wisdom to trade like a Wizard!
Daniel Leboeuf- Senior editor of “The Weekly Wizard”